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Govt wants to use PT Timah's unproductive land for agriculture

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani
  Kondisi hutan Belitung dengan lubang penambangan timah di Kepulauan Belitung, Provinsi Bangka Belitung.
Antara/Teresia May Kondisi hutan Belitung dengan lubang penambangan timah di Kepulauan Belitung, Provinsi Bangka Belitung.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PANGKAL PINANG - Governor of Bangka Belitung, Rustam Efendi, asked Indonesia's biggest tin miner, PT Timah, to hand over its unproductive land to local government. Then givernment will use the land for agriculture to help people improving their life.

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"PT Timah owns 400 thousand hectares of land and we have asked, both in written and direct meeting but the company still reject our request," Efendi said on Tuesday.

PT Timah pays 3,000 IDR as land retribution tariff for every hectare of its former tin mining site. Efendi said the tariff was too small to help local people improve their life. He thought that the land could be more productive if local people could use it for agriculture.

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