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Jadwal Imsakiyah
Imsak : 04:33
Subuh : 04:43
Zuhur : 12:08
Ashar : 15:12
Maghrib : 18:15
Isya : 19:24
Jadwal Imsakiyah
Imsak : 04:33
Subuh : 04:43
Zuhur : 12:08
Ashar : 15:12
Maghrib : 18:15
Isya : 19:24

KPC sets higher coal production target

The new steam power plant built in Lombok will need supply of 900 tons coal per day. (illustration)
Republika/Wihdan Hidayat The new steam power plant built in Lombok will need supply of 900 tons coal per day. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SAMARINDA -- PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) sets its coal production target at 57 million tons this year, up from last year's production of more than 50 million tons.


"We are confident the target could be achieved as in 2013, we succeeded in producing more than 50 million tons," Muhammad Baqir, a spokesman of the East Kalimantan's largest coal prodfucer, said.

KPC has continued to chalk up an increase in coal production from year to year, Baqir told reporters here on Tuesday.

In 2011 , the company produced 40.46 million tons of coal and in 2012, the production rose to 40.94 million tons, he cited.

KPC is a subsidiary of Bumi Resources , the country's largest coal producer.

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