Senin 16 Dec 2013 17:45 WIB

Jakarta increases tax revenue up to 43.6 percent

Rep: Halimatus Sa'diyah/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Acara Tax On Race
Foto: dokpri
Acara Tax On Race

REPUBLIKA, JAKARTA -- Jakarta Provincial Government increases its tax revenue 43.6 percent, from 22.6 trillion IDR to 32.5 trillion IDR in 2014. There are four tax sources relied to achieve this target, namely motor vehicle tax, property tax, Acquisition Levy on Right of Land and Building (BPHTB) and advertisement tax.

Head of Jakarta Tax Office, Iwan Setiawandi explained that revenue target of motor vehicle tax in 2014 worth 5.1 trillion IDR, property tax (6.5 trillion IDR), BPHTB (5 trillion IDR) and advertisement tax (2.4 trillion IDR). Jakarta Tax Office will implement a new policy.

"For example, there will be a progressive tax adjustment for motor vehicle tax," Setiawandi said recently.

Provincial government will implement a progressive tax - tax rate that is applied to the purchase of more than one unit of a motor vehicle - next year. Value of Taxation Object (SVTO) of property tax will also be increased. Setiawandi said that advertisement tax would be increased four times higher than this year.

There are still many taxpayers in Jakarta that do not fulfill its obligations. Therefore, Jakarta Tax Office will add more personnel to seek the tax offenders. Setiawandi said that his office currently has 890 officers. Next year, he will add 400 new officers to increase tax revenue. It will be deployed in each subdistrict in Jakarta.

Chairman of City Council Commission, Maman Firman said that there has never been such the increase in tax revenue before. It will be a great achievement if the target reached.

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