Senin 17 Mar 2025 12:13 WIB

Aceh Officially Requires Congregational Prayer and Students to Study the Koran

The community is obliged to abandon all activities when adzan is gathered.

A number of Muslims follow tausyiah and prayer together during the celebration of the Islamic New Year at Baiturrahman Raya Mosque, Banda Aceh, Aceh, on Saturday (6/7/2024).
Foto: ANTARAFOTO/Ampelsa
A number of Muslims follow tausyiah and prayer together during the celebration of the Islamic New Year at Baiturrahman Raya Mosque, Banda Aceh, Aceh, on Saturday (6/7/2024).

REPUBLICA.CO.ID, BANDA ACEH -- Governor of Aceh Muzakir Manaf or Mualem officially issued the Governor's (Ingub) Aceh Instruction Number 1 for 2025 on the Implementation of Fardhu Prayer for ASN and community and salaried in every educational unit in Aceh.

“Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I am the Governor of Aceh officially launched the Aceh Governor's Instruction Number 01 of 2025,” Mualem said Sunday (16/3/2025).

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The launch of Ingub Aceh was held in front of isya and tarawih prayer worshippers at Baiturrahman Raya Masjid Banda Aceh. With the publication of the Ingub, every ASN and community is obliged to pray and abandon all activities when adzan is gathered.

In addition, Ingub also obliges every pupil and student in the formal education unit in Aceh to study the Quran 15 minutes before studying.

The Governor of Aceh also launched the Aceh Waqf Movement. This movement encourages productive waqfs to advance the economy of gampong and strengthen the waqf ecosystem in Aceh.

“Thank God. May Allah bless our intentions and efforts so that the implementation of Islamic sharia in Aceh becomes better,” Mualem said.

On that occasion, the Governor of Aceh also received a duplicate mushaf of the Quran copied by 30 Acehnese calligraphers for 12 days. The mushaf is a duplicate of the mushaf embraced by the high imam of the Great Mosque of Baiturrahman who was martyred in the first Aceh war against the Dutch. Now the original mushaf is in the Leiden Library in the Netherlands.

Meanwhile, Ustadz Suryanto Sudirman, the speaker of the Tarawih prayer prayer of Baiturrahman Raya Masjid, appreciated the policy that obliges the entire community to abandon all activities during adzan and immediately carry out the prayer of worshippers.

Ustad Suryanto also reminds all worshippers to properly live and apply the Quran in life. The Qur'an is a guide for mankind.

“May sharia in the Quran really live on the earth of Aceh in all areas, be it prayer, worship, or other activities,” Ustadz Suryanto said.

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