Rabu 27 Nov 2013 16:38 WIB

Mahfud MD: Media often overreacting to report on convict

Mahfud MD
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Mahfud MD

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Former chairman of Constitution Court Mahfud MD believed mass media often too far on reporting those found guilty in the court. Thus, the news that reached the public only sensational publicity and poor substance.

"Corruptor who had five wives was exposed constantly, for example Fathanah with his wives. Supposedly, the media should deliver news to encourage people avoiding corruption," said Mahfud in the seminar 'Indonesia Answering the Challenge of Leadership to be a Victorious Nation' in Jakarta, Tuesday.

According to Mahfud, the framework of the mass media should be criticized to play a role on educating the public, for example in eradicating corruption.

He gave an example, the mass media should have reported on how former legislator Angelina Sondakh was crying as the sentence was exacerbated by the Supreme Court to 12 years imprisonment from the previous four years verdict. The media, he said, should also cover the fate of his colleagues in the Court, the former Chief Justice Akil Mochtar, who was suspected of bribery on election dispute and now his accounts was frozen.

According to Mahfud, Akil was deeply regretted over his actions because it caused the bank account of his wife and children also being frozen. It made difficulty to her family's financial condition. "Such things should be published so that the public knows the suffering of a corruptor," he said.

The seminar was also attended by the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission Abraham Samad. Abraham also insinuated the media that he thinks they often puts a graft suspect as a star in their coverage.

"How can a suspect being profiled as a star, and then his private home was over-exposed as well as his activity," Abraham said without mentioning any particular media.

The seminar was initiated by the Council of University of Indonesia Professors, and will take place in several series.


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