Senin 18 Nov 2013 13:23 WIB

Timah to explore mining areas in Myanmar this December

Rep: Maspril Aries/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Logo PT Timah
Logo PT Timah

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PALEMBANG -- PT Timah, a listed state-owned tin miner is going to run mining exploration in Myanmar this December. President Director of Timah, Sukrisno said that the company has obtained an operation license.

"We will start the exploration in Myanmar this December. We have proposed three recommendations. Two recommendations from local forestry and agricultural institution are already out. One more recommendation from archaeological or religious institution will be given this November," Sukrisno said recently.

Timah has also established two subsidiaries, which will manage the mining and tin production in Myanmar according to local policies. The two subsidiaries are PT Timah Myanmar Mining that manages mining operation and PT Timah Myanmar that operates tin smelter.

In Myanmar, Timah obtains concession areas of 10 thousand hectares, located in Pubyin-Tamok, Myeik District, Tanithary. Timah has allocated 18 million USD for the first three years. Tin reserves in Myanmar are quite large. Before Timah came to Myanmar, a Chinese company has exploited the area.

Public of Myanmar were welcome to Timah present as they know that the company is not a private company. They are very happy to cooperate with the state owned enterprises. Tin reserves in Myanmar spread from north to south. 

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