Ahad 17 Nov 2013 07:30 WIB

The Sultan's dirham discovered in Gampong Panda, Aceh

One of the coins discovered in Gampong Pande, Aceh, recently
Foto: Misykah.com
One of the coins discovered in Gampong Pande, Aceh, recently

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDA ACEH -- One of the gold coins, or dirham, discovered in the site of Gampong Pande, Banda Ceh, Monday (11/11), printed in its side the name of a sultan in the middle age history of Aceh.

In the front side, it's printed; 'Alawuddin bin 'Ali Malik Azh-Zahir and on the opposite side printed; As-Sulthan Al-Adil.

The dirham coin was discovered and shown by Heri Wijaya to an expert of history of Islam, Taqiyuddin Muhammad and Misykah.com, on Thursday (14/11).

Sultan 'Alawuddin is a son of Sultan 'Ali Mughayat Syah, known to be the pioneer of the rise of Aceh Darussalam kingdom in the early 16th century AD.

"As per the inscription from the tomb of Sultan 'Alawuddin in the tomb complex of Kandang XX, Banda Aceh, it's indicated that he was a great sultan in South East Asia on the century," Muhammad said.

Written in the tomb of Sultan 'Alawuddin, among others; "this is the tomb of a blessed and forgiven person, who has honored and popular thoroughbred, primus inter pares and famous, the one who always prays for the blessing of Allah the Most Owner and The Merciful, the Sultan of sultans in all era, who was a mujahid in the way of Allah the God of the universe, he is the terminator of infidels and idolatrous as well the lover of poor and the poorest people."

From the historical point of view, he said, the Sultan was a great and powerful person. 

"That was the Sultan in the history; his existence has empowered the root of Islam in the life of his people. The Sultan died in Friday after morning prayer on 8 Jumadil Awal 979 Hijri year or 1572 AD," said the expert in epigraphy.

The title 'Malik Azh-Zahir' written after his name 'Awaluddin bin 'Ali in the coin, he said, it's an indication that in many aspects, leaders of Aceh Darussalam kingdom in the era also maintained the tradition of the previous Samudra Pasai kingdom.

sumber : Misykah.com
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