Kamis 07 Nov 2013 21:15 WIB

Activist accuses KPU of public lie

Ketua Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Husni Kamil Manik (kiri) dan Ketua Dewan Kehormataan Penyelenggaraan Pemilu (DKPP) Jimly Asshiddiqie (kanan) menyambut maskot Pemilu 2014
Foto: Antara
Ketua Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Husni Kamil Manik (kiri) dan Ketua Dewan Kehormataan Penyelenggaraan Pemilu (DKPP) Jimly Asshiddiqie (kanan) menyambut maskot Pemilu 2014 "Ayo Memilih" saat pengenalan maskot dan jingle Pemilu 2014 hasil kompetisi, di komp

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- An observer from the People's Synergy for Indonesian Democracy (Sigma) alleged that the General Elections Commission (KPU) had publicly lied when announcing the completion of the eligible voters' list (DPT) on Monday.


"We have proof that the KPU's decision to officially announce the DPT has no legal ground. The KPU, once again, has made a public lie," Said Salahudin of Sigma said here on Thursday.

According to Salahudin, the KPU has not told the truth twice before. It lied in the past when it said that the announcement of the political party verification had already been held under a legal umbrella, namely KPU Regulation (PKPU) No. 14 and No. 15 / 2012. However, the two regulations turned out to be ineffective and had legal binding only after the announcement was made.

"It has now repeated the same modus when it officially announced the DPT recapitulation. It made the decision before its PKPU was enacted into law," Salahudin said.

He said that the KPK's stipulation on the DPT has legal flaws because it has no clear legal ground.

"The regulation which is still in force on the elections schedule is PKPU No. 19/ 2013. It is mentioned in the PKPU No. 19 that the DPT should be announced on October 23, 2013, not on November 4, 2013, as it has done. If the KPU wants to change the announcement schedule from October 23, 2013, to another date, it should first amend PKPU 19 / 2013," he said.

Salahudin noted that the announcement of the DPT should refer to the schedule as stipulated in the regulation.

"If the KPU said it already had a new PKPU, when was it put into a law and why was it never publicized?" he asked.

But in reality, the KPU has not yet been publicized it until now on its web site.

On Monday, the KPU announced its official DPT, which consisted of 186,612,255 eligible voters, with an additional 2,010,280 others eligible to cast their ballots from abroad.

On the eligible voters' list, 10.4 million were considered problematic because they had no citizenship identity numbers (NIK), as required by the law.

The General Election Commission has been given 30 days to make corrections to the eligible voters list (DPT), according to KPU General Chairman Husni Kamil Manik.

"We have been given one month's time to make the corrections. The Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) will later evaluate it. We are now going to verify it and complete the information on the voters' Population Registration Numbers (NIK) in the field, along with the director general for population and civil registration affairs," Husni Kamil Manik said.

The KPU has twice put off the announcement of the DPT. It was initially scheduled on September 13, 2013, but was later postponed to October 23, 2013. The KPU plenary session on October 23, 2013 was also postponed before it decided to officially announce it, in the session on November 4, 2013.

Based on that schedule, the KPU will conduct the legislative election on April 9 and presidential election on July 9, 2014.

sumber : Antara
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