Selasa 29 Oct 2013 02:19 WIB

On Youth Pledge Day, Thohir: Youth should take an active role

Rep: Muhammad Akbar Wijaya/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Allen Iverson dan Erick Thohir
Foto: Instagram
Allen Iverson dan Erick Thohir

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Inter Milan FC's biggest shareholders, Erick Thohir said, the October 28th Youth Pledge was a clear evidence of the role of youth in awareness building of nationalism.

According to him, 17 years before Indonesia proclaimed as a state, young Indonesians had already proclaimed national consciousness.

"When the youth dare to express the unity on behalf of Indonesia," said the young tycoon in Taruna Merah Putih Award ceremony, on PDIP Party headquarter, Lanteng Agung, South Jakarta, Monday (28/10).

He explained that younger generation in Indonesia amounted nearly 50 per cent of total population. On the other side, statistically, Indonesia's economy has continued to progress.

In that context, there is no reason for young people to remain silent facing global economic competition. The youth should take a role in the middle of the open opportunities.

"Indonesia's youth should take a role not just complain," he said.

He encouraged, in 2014, young Indonesian must show their dominant color in the government. 

He pointed out that, in China, several ministers consisted from the youth.

Younger generation in China's cabinet believed to maintain the level of competitiveness of China in the world.

"I hope, national leadership in 2014 brought younger generation in to ministerial level," said Thohir, the first Asian to own NBA team.

Erick Thohir added, the Taruna Merah Putih Award should be a momentum for youth revival. According to him Indonesian youth should dare to emerge on global level.

"Now it's time for the younger generation not feels inferior. They must be ready to compete and to rise," he said.

Indonesia's future is in the hands of youth and, he said that if young Indonesians are not able to compete on the world stage, the youth should be responsible.

"If we can not compete globally that one of our own. I want to see the Red and White flag to fly anywhere," he said.

On the occasion, Thohir handed over Taruna Merah Putih Award on sport to two Indonesian badminton doubles: Hendra Setiawan and Mohammad Ahsan.

He said the two athletes managed to bring Indonesia's name on sport to international level.

Thohir hopes Hendra and Ahsan achievements could inspire other young Indonesians.

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