Sabtu 13 Apr 2013 22:37 WIB

Lion Air skids off runway into shallow water in Bali

Rep: Ahmad Baraas/Satya Festiani/Halimatus Sa'diyah/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Lion Air filght number JT-960 skids off runaway then lands in shallow water before landing at runway in Denpasar, Bali, on April 13.
Foto: Antara/HO Polda Bali
Lion Air filght number JT-960 skids off runaway then lands in shallow water before landing at runway in Denpasar, Bali, on April 13.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DENPASAR - Lion Air YT 96 Bandung-Denpasar skidded off runway and split into two on Saturday afternoon just before landing in Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali. About 101 passengers and plane crews are survived.

General Director of Lion Air, Edward Sirait, said the airplane had met the requirements to fly. "It has been operated for only two months, but it is in good condition, so is the pilot. The captain is healthy and has more than 10,000 hours of flight experience," Sirait said on Saturday. 

The American-made plane flew from Bandung at 12.30 Western Indonesian Time. It is scheduled to arrive in Denpasar at 15.00 Central Indonesian Time, but the plane skidded off and landed in shallow water befire reaching runaway.  The cause of the crash remains unknown. Sirait said Lion Air would cooperate with National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT). 

"We will focus to investigate the black box," he said.

According to Sirait, the plane carried 101 passengers-consist of 95 adults, five children and a baby-and seven plane crews. He said that 18 passengers had been treated in Sangla and Kasih Ibu Hospitals. About ten of them has been sent home. 

"We will give insurance to all of the passengers," he said. The Head of Medical Service at Sanglah Hospital, Ken Wirasandhi, said they only suffered minor injuries.

sumber : Antara

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