Selasa 15 Jan 2013 21:56 WIB

US: Indonesia among countries practice dumping on shrimp export

Rep: Dwi Murdaningsih/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Shrimp (illustration)
Shrimp (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Coalition of Gulf Shrimp Industries (COGSI) claims that the governments of China, Ecuador, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thailand are subsidizing shrimp at home. The measure, according to COGSI, to cut the shirmp price exported to US. 

Indonesian Minister for Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Sharif C Sutardjo, still investigated the allegation. He rejected the accusation that Indonesia sold the shrimp below the normal price.

"Vaname shrimp is sold in 5,000 USD per tonnes. We do not provide any subsidy on this commodity," Sutardjo said on Tuesday. He explained that government's program on empowerment targeted the fishermen instead of the exporters.

Indonesian Embassy in US today holds a meeting with COGSI to discuss the allegation. He said that the revitalization program and fisheries cultivation aid as well as fisherman aid were state responsibility to promote pro-job and pro-poor.

Director General of Fisheries Marketing, Saut Hutagalung, said the allegation was usually happened and would not have a bad impact towards the future shrimp export. Based in the data, shrimp export to US from in the period of January-October valued at 421.3 million USD, while in 2011, it reached 515.5 million USD.


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