Senin 10 Dec 2012 21:40 WIB

Resonance: A devil who shouts devil

Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri
Foto: Republika/Daan
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

By Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Mahmud Abbas Palestine President's speech as devil on UN General Assembly last Thursday (29/11). "Based on hatred and lies," he said. Netanyahu's colleague, also as Israeli's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Avigdor Lieberman added, Mahmud Abbas was Israel's prime opponent.

He called Abbas did not have the willingness to make peace. "Such person (Abbas-rec) if in power would harm his people. He would exploit his people for his personal interest and put them in misery."

Like tit for tat, US Secretary Hillary Clinton viewed UN General Assembly agreement supporting Palestine as non-member UN observer was very unfortunate and lack of in depth thought. According to her opinion, the only way to establish Palestine State was though direct peace agreement between Palestine and Israel. Not through UN.


"Such decision has added hurdle for peace," she said. Nothing surprising from Israeli or American officials’ statements above. This was a common issue, where America would always use veto right in UN Security Council every time proposed resolution condemning Zionist Israeli's outrage raised.

Common thing also happened if previously Israel threatened to kill Mahmud Abbas if he proposed for UN support. Also, not surprising if America threatened to shut down Palestine representative office in Washington if Palestine questioned Human Right violations done by Israel to International Criminal Court in Den Haag, Netherlands. 

Because, with Palestine current status in UN, Palestine has direct access to ICC. In world society, where armed forces were the language, intimidation and threat have become common respect. Not really clear who was the devil who was the angel. Could not be understood anymore who was the evil and who was the divine. It could be, the devil shout out other party as the devil.

But, UN General Assembly resolution related to support to Palestine has changed. Western countries which usually taqlid a'ma alias just quacked to American decisions on constantly supporting Zionist Israel, this time around made different move. England, Australia, Germany, and Netherlands, for example, chose to be abstaining with the other 41 countries.

Meanwhile, France, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden on the contrary joined to 138 countries promoting Palestine. Meanwhile, countries rejected promotion against Palestine only nine countries, including US and Israel itself. The rest, only minor countries or geopolitically have minor influence to the world.

With such map, US and Israel have actually getting more isolated. Furthermore, currently US was having lingering economic crisis. They tried so hard to avoid military interference to other countries, just as they did to Afghanistan and Iraq. On the contrary, to Palestine, UN General Assembly support was clearly a triumph and step forward heading to an independent and sovereign state.

Palestine received extensive and strong support toward their demand to found independent and sovereign Palestine State in West Bank, Gaza and Madinatul Quds (East Jerusalem). Also, to get back occupied territories by Israel since Six Days War on 1967.

Furthermore, UN acknowledgement has opened the gate for Palestine to join institutions under UN, including ICC. On such, Palestine would be able to bring all human rights violations and war crimes done by Zionist Israel to International Tribunals.

This is actually what US and Zionist devils (read: Israeli's high officials) were very afraid of. Of course, with joining to UN did not mean Palestine problems were solved. Road to struggle was still very long. In factual, most of Palestine's territories were still occupied by Israel.

Translanting: Indira Amaranti

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