Sabtu 25 Aug 2012 17:00 WIB

Kalla: Rohingya refugees want to be resettled to a third country

Rep: Muhammad Akbar Wijaya/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Head of Indonesian Red Cross, Jusuf Kalla (white shirt) officially sends volunteers and humanitarian relief to Myanmar on Saturday. The former vice president says that Rohingya refugees in Indonesia choose to be resettled to a third country instead on stay
Foto: Republika/Adhi Wicaksono
Head of Indonesian Red Cross, Jusuf Kalla (white shirt) officially sends volunteers and humanitarian relief to Myanmar on Saturday. The former vice president says that Rohingya refugees in Indonesia choose to be resettled to a third country instead on stay

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Rohingya refugees in Indonesia were not willing to be Indonesian citizens, the head of Indonesian Red Cross Jusuf Kalla said. “They want to be resettled to a third country,” Jusuf Kalla said on Saturday.

Kalla explained that the refugees were leaving Myanmar to find better standard of living. They prefer Australia to Indonesia because Australia has better wage standard. “Other reason, Indonesia also does not offer many job opportunities,” he said.

But, living in Australia is not easy. He said that Australia had a strict rule on receiving political refugees. “Rohingya refugees must wait for UNHCR's permission to stay in Australia,” he said.

Kalla hopes the Rohingya conflict in Myanmar will be resolved soon. “I hope Rohingya and Myanmar government can live in peace,” he said.





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