Ahad 23 Aug 2015 04:06 WIB

Minister: Automotive industry still has good prospective

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Saleh Husin
Foto: ROL/Fian Firatmaja
Saleh Husin

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SOUTH TANGERANG – Minister of Industry, Saleh Husin, is optimistic that global investors and automotive companies still continue to invest in Indonesia automotive industry, although the economic condition weakens.

"Automotive is long term business and investments. So the industrial activities and investments will continuously develop. This kind of business isn’t only for a year or two years but for decades, "said Saleh Husin, Thursday (20/8).

Automotive exhibition can be a door for Indonesia to invite international automotive investors. There are opportunity for the national automotive industry to explore wider markets.

"The exhibition also grows optimism about the development of our automotive industry in the future. Not only because the profit calculations but also create job vacancy and transfer of technology, "he said.

Ministry of Industry continues to encourage the manufacturer to make Indonesia as a automotive production base with export oriented. This is in line with the strengthening of the structure of this industry through the development of automotive components industries in the country.

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