Jumat 18 May 2018 09:00 WIB

Zero tolerance to be applied to assure Asian Games security

Indonesia to host Asian Games 2018 from August 18 to September 2.

Murals of Asian Games mascots, Bhin Bhin (Cendrawasih/bird-of-paradise), Atung (Bawean deer), and Kaka (One-horned rhinoceros) at Jati Padang Utara, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Tuesday (May 8).
Foto: Republika/Mahmud Muhyidin
Murals of Asian Games mascots, Bhin Bhin (Cendrawasih/bird-of-paradise), Atung (Bawean deer), and Kaka (One-horned rhinoceros) at Jati Padang Utara, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Tuesday (May 8).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia will implement a zero-tolerance measure to assure security of the 18th Asian Games, organizing committee deputy chairman Sjafrie Sjamsuddin said here on Thursday. The event is scheduled to be held from August 18 to September 2 in Jakarta and Palembang, South Sumatra

"Our target is to implement the event based on international standard of zero tolerance in venues, non-venues, and other locations," he stated, after attending a coordination meeting on Asian Games security at the office of the coordinating minister for human development and culture.

He noted that a multiple security system by the police and the army (TNI) will be implemented in the transportation sector, traffic, information technology, as well as Asian Games Torch Parade from July 15 in 18 provinces.

Also read: Indonesia hopes travel advisories not affact Asian Games

Indonesia Police deputy chief, Commissioner General Syafruddin, who was also present at the meeting, remarked that police have appealed to the people to remain calm and trust the TNI and the police with regard to security.

"I have urged the security apparatus to be professional to increase public trust, especially the international community. All travel advisories from a number of countries would soon be reviewed," Syafrudfin, who will be the chief of the Indonesian contingent to the Asian Games, revealed.

He added that reserve forces have been prepared by the police, totaling 22 thousand in Jakarta and 3 thousand in Palembang.

"The Indonesia Police chief's operations assistant will disclose the full forces to be deployed later. The security measure taken has met the international standard," he explained.

Sjafruddin noted that TNI would take over the security of heads of state who would attend the event. "Routine security will be the responsibility of the police, with support from TNI," he pointed out.

sumber : Antara

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