Rabu 05 Mar 2025 17:58 WIB

Six Palestinian Preachers Conduct Ramadan Safari in Indonesia

Six Palestinians will pray in Jakarta to North Sumatra.

Rep: Fuji EP/ Red: Budi Raharjo
Palestine (illustration).
Foto: Republika/Thoudy Badai
Palestine (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — The Commission on Foreign Relations and International Cooperation (HLNKI) of the Indonesian Ulema Assembly (MUI) in cooperation with the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) held the Opening of Ramadan Safari: Washing the Wounds of Palestine 2025 at the Central MUI Buya Hamka Hall on Wednesday (5/3/2025). As many as six Palestinians preachers will go on a Ramadan safari in Indonesia.

MUI Chairman for Foreign Relations and International Cooperation, Professor Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim expressed his appreciation and thanks to Baznas for continuing to support MUI in carrying out Ramadan Safari activities that have taken place twice, namely in Ramadan 2024 and 2025.

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“If 11 Palestinians participated in Ramadan Safari 2024, then this time six will give lectures in six provinces, namely Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java, Riau Islands and North Sumatra,” Sudarnoto said in a written message received by Republika on Wednesday (5/3).

Regarding the implementation on the ground that helped the six Palestinian preachers, there are MUI and Baznas in the targeted provinces. The Ramadan Safari program runs from March 6 - 25, 2025.

Sudarnoto said Palestinian speakers will give lectures at least three locations in one day. So that for 20 days they will be able to lecture at 60 locations in their area of assignment. As long as they lecture in some of those provinces, they will be accompanied by translators from MUI and Baznas regions.


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