Kamis 13 Feb 2025 20:25 WIB

Permit Issued, BSI Can Operate Gold Bank Business

The bullion business permit for BSI was issued by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

Rep: Dian Fath Risalah/ Red: Budi Raharjo
A model shows a replica gold bar of BSI during the launch of BSI Gold in Jakarta, Thursday (28/11/2024).
Foto: Republika/Thoudy Badai
A model shows a replica gold bar of BSI during the launch of BSI Gold in Jakarta, Thursday (28/11/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) is ready to carry out the business of bullion bank or gold bank, following the issuance of permission from the regulator related to the organization of bullion business activities to the Company. The bullion business license for BSI was issued by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) on Wednesday (12/2/2025) for Gold Trading and Gold Custody products. BSI President Director Hery Gunardi said the company had obtained permission from OJK regarding the organization of bullion business activities and this was the basis for the company to start running the gold bank business.

“We appreciate the confidence and support of regulators and stakeholders so that BSI moves to the next level in managing the gold business, namely the bulion bank,” Hery said in a statement received Thursday (13/2/2025).

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Hery is optimistic that in the future BSI is able to spur sustainable growth of the precious metals business, so the inclusion of people to invest in gold in accordance with the sharia maqashid will continue to increase. Bulion business activities based on POJK Number 17 Year 2024 are business activities related to gold carried out by financial services institutions. OJK gives instructions to BSI in the implementation of the new product, which must be done no later than 6 months from the date of issuance of the permit.

“Thank God we obtained the trust, and this is not despite the customer's confidence in the gold business that BSI has been running so far. So this feels that makes us even more optimistic in the future can be even greater to encourage the gold business in Bank Sharia Indonesia,” he said with optimism.

Earlier, at the end of last year, BSI was encouraged by the government through Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto to become one of the two red plate companies as pioneers of gold banks in Indonesia. “BSI's gold products, including the future God willing management of bank bulion, are a unique differentiator of BSI that has the potential to grow even larger with the increasing trend of gold investment in society,” Hery said.

Related to this, BSI Director of Finance and Strategy Ade Cahyo Nugroho underlined that the current growth of BSI Bank is driven by the gold business. In fact, the gold business at BSI can be said to be a new game changer. “So consumer products such as gold are indeed growing significantly in BSI Bank. Even for 2025 we are even more optimistic because now BSI has officially obtained a license to become a bulion bank,” Cahyo said, adding Hery.

Therefore, Cahyo continued, the company is grateful to be the one chosen by the government to be the first gold bank in the Homeland. “This marks the forerunner of a more complete growth of the gold business ecosystem,” he stressed.

What Cahyo expressed was well-founded. During this time, BSI has often strengthened cooperation with PT Aneka Tambang Tbk or Antam. In addition, at the end of November last year, the company took strategic steps to provide reliable safe investment solutions and promote the deepening of the sharia financial sector through the gold industry through cooperation with PT Hartadinata Abadi Tbk.

Through this cooperation, the company launched BSI Gold. The product is an exclusive gold bar metal with the BSI logo with 99.99 percent caratase that has SNI standard, and has obtained a Sharia Conformity recommendation from MUI that the community can have through BSI Cicil Emas products. While related to the precious metals business, BSI showed a very positive performance throughout 2024. Even the BSI business was boosted by the high enthusiasm of young people's customers in investing in gold.

The company's gold business was up 78.18 percent on an annualized basis. In which the gold installment product became the premier with a 177.42 percent jump in financing on a yoy basis to Rp6.4 trillion. In addition to gold installments, BSI's gold pawn business also experienced quite significant gains. Its growth is about 31.3 percent on an annual basis to Rp 6.4 trillion in 2024. The financing quality of this gold business is also very healthy with an NPF of almost 0 percent.

“The gold business is indeed our unique product and has the potential to grow even bigger. Because the trend of gold investment continues to increase because it is a safe haven asset. Moreover, the increase in the price of gold is very stable and significant, for example, as in the last year when it reached 32.4 percent” cap.

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