Kamis 26 Sep 2024 01:24 WIB

BAZNAS Aims to Strengthen National Zakat Governance

Opening of Rakornas BAZNAS 2024 was held at IKN.

Opening of Rakornas BAZNAS 2024 opened by President Jokowi.
Foto: Biro Pers Setpres
Opening of Rakornas BAZNAS 2024 opened by President Jokowi.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) organized the national coordination meeting (rakernas) 2024 in Balikpapan and officially opened in Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan on 25-27 September 2024. These Rakornas aim to strengthen national zakat governance.

“The goal of this Rakornas is to improve the governance of the management performance of ZIS-DSKL nationally in order to achieve the vision and mission of BAZNAS in 2025, so that ZIS-DSKL can promote opportunities nationwide through Provincial BAZNAS and BAZNAS District/City,” said BAZNAS RI Chairman, Prof. KH Noor Achmad at the opening event of Rakornas Baznas at IKN on Wednesday (25/9/2024).

Baca Juga

Regarding the opening event at IKN, Prof. Noor Achmad said this was the first in history. He stated that the opening of Rakornas BAZNAS 2024 at IKN is a milestone worthy of gratitude and pride.

“This is not only an important moment for BAZNAS, but also a milestone that confirms BAZNAS' commitment to supporting the national development agenda, in line with the spirit of Indonesia's revival through the existence of a new Capital of the State,” said Kiai Noor.

Kiai Noor appreciated and thanked President Jokowi for his outstanding support and cooperation, especially in establishing collaboration between the Government and BAZNAS.

“We extend our deepest gratitude to President Jokowi for his outstanding support and cooperation, especially in establishing a good collaboration between the Government and BAZNAS,” he said.

According to Kiai Noor, the organization of Rakornas BAZNAS 2024 at IKN is very proud, because the ongoing development of IKN is the most unique in the world.

“This proves that BAZNAS is the best friend of President Joko Widodo. We thank Mr. Jokowi for bringing significant progress for Indonesia in the eyes of the world,” he explained.

In addition to President Joko Widodo, the opening of Rakornas BAZNAS was attended by a number of high-ranking state officials. Among them Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno, Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs KH. Saiful Rahmat Dasuki, Deputy Land Minister Raja Juli Antoni, as well as representatives of two major Islamic ormas in Indonesia, Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah.

BAZNAS Rakornas will be held for three days on September 25-27, 2024, attended by 1,200 participants from the leadership of BAZNAS throughout Indonesia, including from the Center, 38 Provinces, and 514 Districts/Cities, with the theme “Synergy of Inclusive Zakat Management for Poverty Management and Welfare in order to Succeed Astacita.”

Meanwhile, President Jokowi at the beginning of his speech said he saw the bright faces of 1,200 BAZNAS participants.

“Rakornas BAZNAS this time was held in Balikpapan, but the opening was held at IKN. Many would like to see IKN, and I am happy to welcome you to Istana Negara Nusantara,” President Jokowi said before BAZNAS leaders from all provinces and districts/cities.

Briefly, Jokowi told about the process of developing IKN. Starting from the beginning of his presidency, he commissioned Bappenas at the time to study the transfer of the capital outside Jakarta.

This is supported by the many praises that many leaders of the country delivered who came to the Istana Negara in Jakarta. They rated the buildings of the State Palace and the Bogor Palace as very good.

However, Jokowi felt that the palace building as a symbol of the state was made by the Dutch colonial. For this reason, Jokowi wants Indonesia to have a palace built by the country's children.

Moreover, there used to be a discourse on the transfer of the capital since the era of the Old Order and the New Order. “I am the one who executed (the transfer of the capital),” Jokowi said.

However, Jokowi insisted the transfer of the capital had been through strong legal procedures. Namely, the government applied for the transfer of the capital and was approved by the Parliament representing the Indonesian people.

However, Jokowi reminded that the move of the capital is not merely physical. However, there is a change of spirit and a new pattern of work systems.

Regarding Rakornas Zakat, Jokowi asked BAZNAS to make a breakthrough to tap the potential of zakat in the country. Because, the potential of zakat in the country reaches Rp 300 trillion out of Indonesia's Muslim population of Rp 236 million.

“Our zakat potential is still huge for us to dig and manage well. Therefore, I hope Baznas can make breakthroughs in the future,” Jokowi said .

The breakthroughs it made could be of various kinds. It can be through education, movements, or building a good and professional governance to increase people's trust. Later, transparency was accompanied by the digitization that Baznas has carried out. This transparency allowed Baznas to reach more recipients (mustahik) and zakat givers (Muzakki).


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