Kamis 20 Jun 2024 05:51 WIB

ESDM: Mine Permit for PBNU In Administrative Process

The government will soon issue a coal management IUP for PBNU.

(illustration) nahdlatul ulama logo
Foto: tangkapan layar wikipedia
(illustration) nahdlatul ulama logo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif said that a special mining business permit (IUPK) for the Great Administrator of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) is in the process of administration.

“(Licensing for NU) is in the administrative process,” Minister of ESDM said in a meeting after a working meeting with Commission VII of the Parliament of the Republic of Indonesia in the Parliament complex, Jakarta, on Wednesday.

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Arifin said that the IUPK for NU is currently still being processed in the administrative phase. The IUPK will later be published based on the recommendation of the Ministry of Investment/Capital Investment Coordination Agency (BKPM).

“This is the recommendation of investment (BKPM). Mining remains with us (Ministry of ESDM). If the investment is all from BKPM,” Arifin said.

Arifin revealed that the NU IUPK process is expected to be out by this year. “(IUPK) In process. I think (this year) yes (IUPK)," he said.

Earlier, Minister of Investment/Head of the Capital Investment Coordination Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadilia stated that he would soon issue a coal management IUP for the Great Administrator of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU), in order to optimize the role of religious organizations.

“At the direction and consideration of several ministers, even approved by Mr. President Jokowi, we will grant coal concessions whose reserves are large enough to PBNU to manage in order to optimize the organization,” Bahlil said in a statement on the Ministry of Investment's Youtube quoted in Jakarta on Monday (3/6).

He further said that the process of creating the concession permit has now entered the completion stage, so in the near future the permit will be signed soon.

“Therefore, soon I will sign IUP for the love of PBNU, because the process is almost finished, that's my promise,” he said.

He explained that granting a business license to PBNU is because he is proud of the largest Islamic organization in the world from Indonesia because he has contributed a lot to the development of the country.

“I feel proud of NU, because I was born from the womb of a mother who cadres NU,” she said.

President Joko Widodo on Thursday (30/5) has signed Government Regulation (PP) 25/2024 on amendments to PP 96/2021 regarding the implementation of mineral and coal mining (minerba) business activities.

Article 83A PP 25/2024 mentions that the new regulation allows religious community organizations (ormas) such as NU and Muhammadiyah to manage special mining permit areas (WIUPK).

Previously, Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) was the first religious-based ormas to obtain a mine management license from the government. Ketum PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf (Gus Yahya) thought well by considering the granting of the permit as a form of government concern to NU.

“Maybe, yes, this is our husnudzan, the most thought is probably NU because NU has such a large congregation,” Gus Yahya said during a press conference at PBNU's office in Jakarta, Thursday (6/6/2024).

Gus Yahya explained that more than half of the Indonesian population recognizes as NU citizens. This is evidenced by numerous surveys that prove this.

In addition, there are 30 thousand units of educational institutions both boarding schools and madrasahs affiliated to NU. Thus, in order to manage these boarding schools and madrasahs, PBNU needs resources and funding.



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