Kamis 20 Jun 2024 04:55 WIB

Beyond Purity: Do Wudu (Ablution) Before Perform These 6 Practices

Wudu or ablution is a medium for purifying small hadas.

A man perform ablution at Masjid Jami Al Makmur, Jalan Raden Saleh, Cikini, Central Jakarta, Thursday (20/3/2024).

4. It is sunnah to perform ablution before bathing, whether it is obligatory bathing or sunnah bathing

This is based on Aisyah's hadith, that:

كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا اغتسل من الجنابة، يبدأ فيغسل يديه، ثم يفرغ بيمينه على شماله فيغسل فرجه، ثم يتوضأ وضوءه للصلاة

"When the Messenger of Allah took a shower, he started washing the palms of his hands, then washed his right hand and then his left hand, he washed his farji (genitals), then performed ablution like ablution for prayer." (HR Jamaah)

5. It is sunnah to perform ablution for people who have finished eating cooked food

This is based on the hadith of Ibrahim bin Abdullah bin Qarizh, he said:

مررت بأبي هريرة وهو يتوضأ فقال: أتدري مم أتوضأ؟ من أثوار أقط (١) أكلتها، لاني سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: (توضئوا مما مست النار)

"I passed by Abu Hurairah who was performing ablution and said, 'Do you know why I performed ablution? In fact, I performed ablution because I had just eaten cheese, I heard the Messenger of Allah say, "You must perform ablution from food touched by fire." (HR Muslim).

Commandment ablution in this hadith means recommendation (not an obligatory command).

6. Renew your ablution every prayer (salah)

Based on the Buraidah hadith as follows:

كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يتوضأ عند كل صلاة، فلما كان يوم الفتح توضأ ومسح على خفيه وصلى الصلوات بوضوء واحد، فقال له عمر.

يا رسول الله إنك فعلت شيئا لم تكن تفعله! فقال: (عمدا فعلته يا عمر)

The Messenger of Allah performed ablution every time he prayed. On the day of the conquest of Mecca, he performed ablution and wiped his shoes, and performed many prayers with just one ablution. Umar said to him: "O Messenger of Allah, are you doing something you have never done?" He said, "I did that on purpose, O Umar." (HR Ahmad, Muslim and others).

sumber : Harian Republika

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