Sabtu 27 Apr 2024 15:40 WIB

175 Earthquakes Occured in East Java in a Week

There are four earthquake events that people feel the tremors.

Rep: Dadang Kurnia/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Earthquake - Illustration
Earthquake - Illustration

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- The head of Pasuruan class II Geophysical Station, Rully Oktavia Hermawan revealed that a total of 175 earthquake activities occurred in East Java and its surroundings in a week, from April 19 to 25, 2024. From the barrage of earthquakes, there were four events whose tremors were felt by the community.

“The earthquake that occurred was dominated by shallow earthquakes in southern Java with a magnitude of 3 and below, a total of 141 occurrences. Then an earthquake of magnitude 3 to 4 had 29 events, and a magnitude above 4 there were five events,” Rully said on Saturday (27/4/2024).

Baca Juga

Rully explained that four earthquake events, the vibrations of which people felt, occurred on April 22, 2024. The earthquake with a magnitude of 4.9 was centered in the sea, exactly 77 kilometers in the southeast direction of Cilacap.

On the same day, an earthquake also occurred in the Bojonegoro Region with a magnitude of 3.3. The epicenter was on land, exactly 7 kilometers northwest of Bojonegoro.

Based on the estimation of the shaking map (shakemap), this earthquake caused shocks in the Bojonegoro and Tuban areas with intensity scale II-III MMI (real felt vibrations within homes).

Still on April 22, 2024, an earthquake also occurred in the South Indian Ocean region of Java, Trenggalek Regency with a magnitude of 4.8. This earthquake impacted and was felt in the areas of Pacitan, Trenggalek, Gunung Kidul, Wonogiri, Tulungagung, Sukoharjo, Karangkates, and Kepanjen with intensity scale II-III MMI.

Vibrations are also felt in the areas of Bantul, Yogyakarta City, Kulonprogo, Blitar, Sleman, and Wlingi, with intensity scale II MMI (vibration felt by some people)” said Rully.

Subsequently on April 24, 2024, an earthquake again occurred in the Bawean Sea with a magnitude of 4.2. The shaking of this earthquake was felt on Bawean Island with an intensity of III-IV MMI (the tremor was felt by many people, the furniture of the house shook like a truck hitting a building). Rully also made sure that there was no potential for a tsunami during the earthquake.



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