Rabu 06 Mar 2024 21:33 WIB

Salimah Arranged Santri Graduation and Parenting Seminar

Baitul Qur'an Salimah (BQS) is one of Salimah's Featured Programs.

Baitul Quran Salimah (BQS) is one of Salimah's Featured programs
Foto: Dok Salimah
Baitul Quran Salimah (BQS) is one of Salimah's Featured programs

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA --Baitul Quran Salimah (BQS) is one of Salimah's Featured programs that focuses on learning to read the Quran according to Tajwid, memorize the Qur'an, hadith and daily prayers, provide correct understanding of aqidah, ahlaq, and worship.

As a form of legality and appreciation for the achievements that have been obtained during the study process at BQS and after passing the munaqosyah (exam) stage. For this reason, PW Salimah Sulsel held Graduation Class 1 Santri Baitul Qur'an Salimah (BQS), and organized a Parenting Seminar. The event took place in the Pattern Room of the South Sulawesi Governor's Office, Sunday (03/03/2024).

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The graduation and seminar this time carried the Theme “Generation of the Qur'an, Berakhlaqul Karimah”. With the intention that the Santri should not only be able to read the Qur'an well and correctly, but also have good morals.

Graduates this time come from 5 BQS, with a total of 50 students, plus 60 students as fillers, including qasidah, Nasyid, vocal group and tasmi'. And each santri is accompanied by parents/family

Also present at the event was Shekh Al Mutazim Billah Al Hafidz from Palestine, who was one of the speakers of the parenting seminar. Shekh also recited the heart-touching do'a, a special prayer for Muslim brothers in Palestine, and of course prayed for good for Indonesia.

“Learning the Qur'an must be a challenge, there is no stopping it to continue learning, look at Palestinian children with very limited conditions, but they are able to become memorizers of the Qur'an, and I hope that Indonesian children can also become the generation of the Qur'an”. Shekh's message.

Chairman of PW Salimah Sulsel Aisyah in his speech delivered.” Exalted thanks to the salaried teachers who tirelessly guided and accompanied them until they were able to read and memorize the Qur'an. I was so moved to witness the performance of all BQS centers, may Allah bestow His mercy on them all, and we from Salimah will continue to facilitate such activities, and hopefully more BQS will be formed in the community especially in Sulsel.” Said Aisyah.

The event was very lively, as the Santri performed Nasyid, Indonesian songs raya and Mars Salimah, Qasidah, and Tasmi Surah Annaba, passionately and so confidently.

Kabag Kesra Pemkot Makassar Mohammad Sharief opened the graduation event of 1st batch of santri BQS and Parenting Seminar, he said in his speech. “My children who have graduated, to keep learning to read and memorize, please the teachers to write down their centers after graduation, so that after graduation they also suddenly disappear, in Kesra there are many programs related to studying the Al Quran, we already have Tahfidz weekend programs, lanong pay, daily tahfidz, of course everything is free, just coordinate with the local RT/RW and Lurah, Intin Shayaa Allah, we will continue to support this kind of activity organized by Salimah.”

The activity closed with Parenting Seminar guided by Dakwah Department Chairman PW Salimah Sulsel Susiawati and as Narasumber Shekh Al Mutazam Billah Al Hafidz and Fauzia, S.Pd.I, M.Pd,. Despite the short duration, it is expected that all the parents present continue to motivate their children to continue to study and memorize the Quran.


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