REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Presidential candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo said that the establishment of a special committee (pansus) on Rights of Inquiry is a solution to investigate indications of fraud in the 2024 general election. He believes that the United Development Party (PPP) faction also supports the proposal.
“Yes, until the 15th of yesterday, we presented alternatives. I guess we are in the same idealism,” said Ganjar at Rumah Aspirasi, Jakarta, Friday (23/2/2024).
He himself appreciated the Nasdem Party, the National Awakening Party (PKB), and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) for supporting the proposal to establish a Rights of Inquiry panel. The poll rights were set up to investigate indications of fraud in the 2024 election.
According to him, it is the duty of the Parliament to carry out its supervisory function of the 2024 elections. According to him, the Rights of Inquiry should not be feared if there is no fraud committed.
“So there is no need to fear, this is common and has happened in the history of Indonesia. That way, there will be data, facts, witnesses, evidence, experts, and everything can be opened up and the public can see,” Ganjar said.
“Then try who is right, so an inquiry in my opinion is the most appropriate way,” he added.
The establishment of a Rights of Inquiry panel is considered to be important in investigating all issues of holding the 2024 elections. One of them is the problem of using the Recapitulation Information System (Sirekap).
“The best thing to be able to clarify all this is the use of the right of surveillance, the constitutional right of the Parliament to then make the investigation the best, the fairest,” Ganjar said.
It is known that the PPP faction secretary of Parliament Achmad Baidowi said that his party was reviewing the proposal to establish a voting rights panel to investigate indications of fraud in the 2024 elections. He has not commented much, as Parliament is currently in recess.
“Now it is a recess period, of course we will see in the upcoming hearing. (Rights of Inquiry) We are still evaluating first yes, right now because we are still focused on recapitalizing the vote,” Baidowi said in a short message.
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