Rabu 06 Dec 2023 21:02 WIB

Ade Armando Reported to Yogyakarta Police

Ade Armando's statement was deemed to have no historical and legal basis.

Rep: Febrianto Adi Saputro/ Red: Fernan Rahadi
People who are part of the Jogja Istimates Community Alliance reported Ade Armando to Yogyakarta Special Regional Police (DIY), Sleman, Wednesday (6/12/2023).
Foto: Republika/Febrianto Adi Saputro
People who are part of the Jogja Istimates Community Alliance reported Ade Armando to Yogyakarta Special Regional Police (DIY), Sleman, Wednesday (6/12/2023).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SLEMAN -- The controversial statement of PSI Politikus Ade Armando calling Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) the embodiment of a real political dynasty continues. A number of people who are part of the Jogja Istimates Alliance reported Ade Armando to Yogyakarta Special Region Police, Sleman, Wednesday (6/12/2023).

Ade was reported with a charge of spreading hate speech as provided for in Article 28 paragraph 2 of the ITE Act. "Today we report Ade Armando regarding hate speech to the Sultan and the Special Region of Yogyakarta," said coordinator of the Alliance of Jogja Prihadi Prihadi Beny Waluyo in Mapolda DIY on Wednesday (6/12/2023).

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Prihadi said that in his report it included evidence in the form of a video of Ade Armando that he uploaded on social media some time ago. He said the reporting was to provide a deterrent effect to Ade Armando from continuing to recur.

“We must act as a deterrent so that the person concerned does not simply apologize, because this kind of event has been perpetrated frequently by Ade Armando,” he said.

The report of the Special Jogja Community Alliance to Polda DIY is registered with the number: STTLP/B/945/XII/2023/SPKT/POLDA D.I YOGYAKARTA. The police report was made Prihadi Beny Waluyo.

Kasubbidpenmas Bidhumas Polda DIY, AKBP Verena Sri Wahyuningsih confirmed the existence of reports related to ITE Act. The report was received by Polda DIY today. "New reports are welcome, will be studied and steeped in," he told reporters.

Earlier Ade Armando in a short video uploaded on his social media alluded to the issue of political dynasties in Yogyakarta. Following the statement, residents who are members of the Ngayogyakarta Society For Special Synambangan (UNCLE USMAN) visited the DPW Office of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), Yogyakarta, Monday (4/12/2023)

They judged Ade Armando's statement to be an act that had no historical and legal basis. Massa also demanded PSI sanction Ade Armando and asked police to process the law.

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