Selasa 24 Oct 2023 08:20 WIB

Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week Highlights Vocational Talents

Vocational education holds the potential to move forward and advance the fashion industry.

Rep: Ronggo Astungkoro/ Red: Fitriyan Zamzami
A total of 72 collections created by fashion talents from vocational education units appeared at the 2024 Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week (JMFW).
Foto: Dok. Ditjen Pendidikan Vokasi Ke
A total of 72 collections created by fashion talents from vocational education units appeared at the 2024 Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week (JMFW).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A total of 72 fashion collections by fashion talents from vocational middle schoolers and colledge students performed at Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week (JMFW) 2024. The fashion work of the vocational education is called able to compete with Indonesia's top designers and is ready to penetrate the global market.

“We all see fashion works from vocational education units able to compete with Indonesia's top designers and are ready to penetrate the global market,” Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Makarim said in a press release on Tuesday (24/10/2023).

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The works were shown at Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD Tangerang, Banten, on Saturday (21/10/2023). The appearance Nadiem called proof that vocational education holds great potential to move forward and advance the fashion industry through collaboration with the business and industrial world (DUDI).

At the event of the second year, the JMFW stage became a stage for professionals to show their behavior as part of the journey of the Muslim fashion industry. This also further strengthens Indonesia's position as the center of Muslim fashion in the world.

Nadiem stated that JMFW's continued presence is spearheading Indonesia's mission to become the world's Muslim fashion hub. “I am sure that this effort will be realized soon and will have a great impact on the progress of the country's fashion industry,” Nadiem said.

On that occasion, Nadiem also thanked the Ministry of Commerce for giving a stage to the vocational education unit to learn to work and dare to perform in front of a wide audience. Nadiem also hopes that from the stage of JMFW there will be more and more industries that support SMK by becoming partners.

For about an hour, fashion pieces designed by students from 12 vocational schools were shown to the public by models on the runway of JMFW 2024. The clothes are designed and made by students from five vocational colleges (PTV) and seven vocational high schools (SMK) in Fashion Planning.

The five PTV performers were ISI Yogyakarta, ISBI Bandung, AKS Ibu Kartini Semarang, Maranatha Christian University, and ISWI Fashion Academy. Meanwhile, the seven SMK involved were SMK NU Banat Kudus, SMK Syubbanul Wathon, SMKN 1 Batu, SMK Cendika Bangsa Kepanjen, SMKN 1 Kasreman, SMK NU 2 Kedungpring, and SMKN 3 Magelang.

Each vocational education unit features six fashion designs with diverse themes. An example is the D'jelipat collection from SMKN 3 Magelang which features six 'Getuk' themed fashion looks inspired by the getuk of three citizens who are nothing but typical food from Magelang, Central Java.

To close the event, Director General (Director General) of Vocational Education, Kiki Yuliati, and Secretary General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), Suharti, also appeared on the catwalk. The two appeared fresh wearing fashion designed by students of SMK NU Banat Kudus and SMK Syubbanul Wathon.

After the parade, Kiki admitted to being proud of the work of the students and vocational students. According to Kiki, the stage of JMFW 2024 shows that vocational education holds great potential in promoting the advancement of the fashion industry through collaboration with business and industry.

“Our goal is to provide valuable experience to the students as well as introduce to the community that SMK children, vocational children can produce works that are recognized by the industry, the fashion world,” Kiki said.

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