Selasa 02 Mar 2021 11:42 WIB

To Prevent Corruption, BUMN Minister Collaborating with KPK

The agreement was made to prevent acts of corruption throughout the Ministry of BUMN.

Rep: M Nursyamsi/ Red: Elba Damhuri
The Ministry of Stated-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) of Indonesia collaborates with KPK to eradicate corrupted practices in BUMN
Foto: Istimewa
The Ministry of Stated-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) of Indonesia collaborates with KPK to eradicate corrupted practices in BUMN

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Actions to prevent corruption are a lot of homework for the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). Various breakthroughs must be created so that BUMN work runs smoothly without dirty corrupt practices.

The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises together with 27 BUMN companies signed a work agreement with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The agreement was made to prevent acts of corruption throughout the Ministry of BUMN.

"The transformation in BUMN is indeed from the start. One of the most important issues is regarding the handling of transparency and legal cases," said BUMN Minister, Erick Thohir in Jakarta, Tuesday (2/3).

The signing of a cooperation agreement related to complaint handling in an effort to eradicate corruption through an integrated Whistleblowing System (WBS). The signing of the agreement was carried out in five processes and was witnessed by the Minister of BUMN and KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri.

The WBS application provides an opportunity for whistleblowers to report suspected corruption by registering beforehand. The report will then be verified and reviewed by the KPK before being followed up.

In this application, the whistleblowers can also make reports using a pseudonym. So there is no record that he has ever reported a specific complaint.

In the application, reports can also be complained regarding who is involved and the classification of their positions. The reporter will also be able to find out the progress of the complaint he reports.

Erick said that the signing of this cooperation was a commitment to maintain mutual integrity. He continued, the BUMN work environment wanted to eliminate non-transparent processes, especially between assignments and corporations.

"God willing, all levels of the ministry will maintain integrity. And I also do not hesitate if I am in the Ministry of BUMN, the directors can also report if there is nothing that is not appropriate," he said.

Erick revealed that the BUMN ministry would immediately encourage other red plate companies to sign similar agreements. He said the BUMN ministry wanted all BUMN companies to sign the agreement.

"Today, thank God we are collaborating with 27, is it enough? No, because our target is that all BUMNs under the cluster must sign up for this," he said.

A similar transformation, Erick said, would also be carried out in connection with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) program. He said that currently only 83 percent of elements in BUMN participated in the ISO program.

"There are 17 percent more but we definitely encourage it so that we can finish it this year," said Erick again.

KPK chairman Firli Bahuri considered it appropriate to sign the cooperation between the BUMN company and the KPK. According to him, this was done to prevent corruption, raise the spirit not to be corrupt and part of the nation's children to build an anti-corruption culture

Through this integrated WBS cooperation agreement, it is hoped that it will avoid duplication, increase synergy and monitor corruption complaints received by each agency with the KPK. So that it can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of handling complaints.

Meanwhile, a number of companies that participated in the activity included Bank Mandiri, BRI, BNI BTN, PT Taspen, Pertamina, PLN, Jasa Marga, Telkom Indonesia, PT INTI, PT Adhi Karya, PT Waskita Karya, PT Wijaya Karya, PT Hutama Karya. and PT Pembangunan Perumahan.

Likewise with Garuda Indonesia, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II, Angkasa Pura I, PT Bahana Pembina Usaha Indonesia, PT Asset Management Company, PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum, PT KAI, PT Krakatau Steel, PT Pupuk Indonesia, PT Semen Indonesia, and Perhutani.


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