REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia is seriously overcoming the spread of coronavirus that has been killed more than 40 people until March, 22.
Indonesia yesterday announced the change of a Athlete's House well-known as Wisma Atlet to an emergency hospital in Jakarta.
Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono ensured the Kemayoran Athlete's Mansion (Wisma Atlet) could become an emergency hospital.
He explained that Wisma Atlet can be used to treat patients suffering from the coronavirus or Covid-19.
"Today medical devices will be installed. Tomorrow (today), Insya Allah, we will start the operation of the hospital," Basuki said at a press conference at Wisma Kemayoran, Sunday (March, 22, 2020).
He explained that the cleaning at Wisma Atlet had already been carried out. Basuki asserted disinfection spraying had also been carried out at the Athlete's House and was completed 100 percent yesterday (3/21) afternoon.
Basuki said that there was also a slight modification on the first, second, and third floors of Tower 7, which functioned as an emergency hospital.
Medical devices at the Wisma Atlet were carried out by the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). Basuki said the medical devices provided were portable due to emergency hospitals.
To ensure maximum operational of an emergency hospital, Basuki said that everything was well organized. "This all includes the regulation of the flow of people. So patients and officers must not cross paths," said Basuki.
He emphasized all these matters were regulated by the Ministry of Health. Wisma Atlet was an asset of the State Secretariat and the Ministry of PUPR was only repairing it to prepare it as an emergency hospital.
Wisma Atlet consists of seven buildings and only one, three, six and seven buildings are used as emergency hospitals. The first building was used for the Covid-19 Task Force Handling Command Post.
Building one has a capacity of 650 units or 750 people. Building three has a capacity of 650 units or 1,750 people.
Building six has a capacity of 650 rooms and one room can be occupied by three patients so that the total capacity is 1,750 people, and building seven has a capacity of 886 units for 2,458 people.
The Ministry of BUMN Supports Emergency Hospital
The Ministry of State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) supports the use of the Kemayoran athlete's homestead in dealing with the corona virus outbreak (Covid-19).
The SOE Minister Erick Thohir conveyed the condition of the athlete's homestead which became the athlete's place during the last Asian Games was considered to be very representative of an emergency hospital.
Erick said four of the seven towers in Wisma Athlete will have different functions. The first tower is for doctors and medical personnel, Tower three is designated as a command post for the group to be the leader in the process of handling Corona. While tower six and seven will focus on patients with ICU rooms and rooms.
The Athlete's House will also only have two doors that will be closely guarded to optimize handling. "Enough shelter, we work hard to protect our people from corona attacks," Erick said.
In addition, said Erick, SOEs also support the procurement of drugs, especially the two drugs announced by the president. BUMN will also maintain the availability of masks and personal protective equipment (PPE) for medical personnel.