REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Daughter of former president Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), Zannuba Ariffah Chafsoh Rahman or known as Yenny Wahid officially declared her support to incumbent President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) - KH Ma’ruf Amin pair in 2019 presidential election. Beside Yenny, nine elements of Gusdurian (Gus Dur followers) also stated their support the candidates pair.
“By saying Bismillahirahmanirahim, we hereby declare our support to number one candidates pair,” said Yenny on Wednesday (Sept 26).
In the declaration, Yenny was ccompanied by nine other Gusdurian elements, such as the Gusdur Barricade, National Awakening Movement (Gatara), Kyai Kampung Nusantara Forum (FKKNU), Women's Network for NKRI, the Nusantara Student Unit, National Caring People, Santri Pojokan Community. In addition, there are also Milenial Political Movement and Garis Politik Mawardi.

Earlier, Indonesia Work Coalition (KIK) said they have prepared a position for Yenny in Jokowi - Ma’ruf pair national campaign team (TKN). According to TKN of the Indonesian Working Coalition (KIK) spokesman, Abdul Kadir Karding, Yenny’s support will affect the votes for Jokowi-Kiai Ma'ruf.
KIK has repeatedly expressed their desire to attract Yenny support. Secretary of TKN KIK Hasto Kristyanto said it was also in accordance with the task of the campaign team to mobilize leaders, mobilize the people support, and mobilize elements who have the power to organize the people.
“Her competency in leadership is very good, so I think it's natural if Yenny becomes the icon wanted by all campaign teams," said Hasto.