REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Prominent preacher ustaz Abdul Somad would not file a police report against those who intimidate his lectures. He was upset with previous legal proceedings as the case has not been solved yet.
"No. I just want to calm down. I'm tired. The handling of alleged persecution in Bali has not been completed yet," ustaz Somad said when contacted by, on Tuesday.
According to ustaz Somad, there was a wiser way beside taking legal step. He chose not to fight back against persecutions.
Ustaz Somad said he did not want any friction in the community, especially Muslims.
"Give it up. God exist," he said.

Laskar Bali apologizes to the Muslims over incident experienced by prominent preacher ustaz Abdul Somad during his da'wah trip to Bali on December 8, 2017. (File photo)
Previously, ustaz Somad met the invitation to lead tabligh akbar (grand sermon) at Baiturrahman Mosque in Denpasar, Bali, on December 11, 2017. Prior to the event, a group of people that called themselves as Balinese Citizen Component (KRB) tried to oust him from Bali as he was accused to be unfaithful to Indonesia.
On December 8, 2017, KRB which consist of Laskar Bali, Banaspati, Patriot Garuda Nusantara (PGN), Perguruan Sandhi Murti, and other youth mass organizations confronted ustaz Somad at Aston hotel, Denpasar, where the cleric stayed. They staged demonstration until it was ended with mediation.
Leader of Laskar Bali then apologized over the incident. Although the apology was accepted, some parties decided to file police reports on alleged persecution. However, the case has not been solved yet.
Protection to preachers
Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin asserted law enforcement officers must be able to protect preachers, including ustaz Abdul Somad, from irresponsible threats. He said that protection to ustaz Somad and all religious leaders should be guaranteed.
"I hope law enforcement officers or the police can protect every preacher so they can give lectures any where in the country, as long as the content of lecture is educating and enlightening the people," Lukman said in a text message received by, Monday (Aug 3).
Meanwhile, Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) believed incidents of rejection to the lecture of ustaz Abdul Somad had nothing to do with his personality. It was caused by the background of organizing commitee, which related to a mass organization that has been dissolved by the government.
"It don't think it's a threat. I've searched information about the organizer and it has relation to the element of an organization that has been dissolved by the government," deputy secretary general PBNU, Masduki Baidlowi said to, on Monday (Sept 3).
Cancelled lectures
Ustaz Somad decided to cancel some of his lectures in Central Java, East Java, and Special Administrative Region of Yogyakarta. Through his Instagram account @ustadzabdulsomad, the charismatic preacher admitted that the step was taken as a response to threat and intimidation against his lectures in some regions, namely Grobogan, Kudus, Jepara dan Semarang
Ustaz Abdul Somad announces cancellation of his lectures in some regions through his Instagram account.
Ustaz Somad said burden faced by the organizing committee was getting heavier. He cancelled the schedule to give lectures in some regions after paying attention to psychological condition of the congregation and himself.
"Therefore, I cancel promises to preach in Malang, Solo, Boyolali, Jombang, and Kediri (September); Yogyakarta (Oktober); and an agreement to give lecture along with ustad Zulfikar in East Java (December),” the Baznas' Tithe Ambassador explained.
Ustaz Somad deplored various incidents of rejection that he experienced. "We are not at a war against Israel. It was just a lecture," the alumni of post-graduate education at the Dar al-Hadith al-Hasaniyyah Institute, Morocco, said.