REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Political observer and communication analyst of Paramadina University Hendri Satrio assessed incumbent President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) video's motorbike stunt in the opening ceremony of the 18th Asian Games affected his popularity. He might become more popular after performing an action video.
The millennials might turn their attention back to Jokowi as the video was widely discussed. Moreover, Jokowi's popularity among millennials dropped following his decision to pair with Nahdlatul Ulama supreme leader and Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) chairman KH Ma'ruf Amin.
However, Hendri believed Jokowi's popularity would not directly affect his electability in presidential election in 2019.
"Such a show never happened in Indonesia as it was never been performed by a president. So, yes he will be more popular, but will he gain more vote? I don't think so," Hendri said when contacted by reporters on Sunday (Aug 19).
According to Hendri, contestants in presidential election could not rely on popularity to get more vote from younger generation. They needed to present attractive programs.
Hendri said effect of the video Jokowi doing motorbike stunt would not last long. People might forget as the election day would came in the next 7 months.
Jokowi was aware of the public reactions over his video played during the opening ceremony of the 18th Asian Games on Saturday (Aug 18) night. The video described Jokowi was trapped in the traffic along with Asian Games spectators.
Instead of asking the guards to clear the way, Jokowi prefered to leave the Presidential car and hopped on his guard's motorcycle to get to the venue on time. Wearing a full-faced helmet borrowed from one of the guards, he spurred the Yamaha FZ1 motorbike and flew through the traffic.
In one of the scene, Jokowi suddenly hit the brake and made a stoppie stunt to prevent collisions with a bajaj in a narrow street. Was it really the president doing the stunt?

Jokowi laughed to hear the people arguing about his video. Some of Twitter users believed a stuntman was involved in the video making process.
"Who flew the motorbike, sneaked, made a stoppie style, and arrived on time to GBK last night? Hehehe...Clearly, I and all of us cheered, the opening ceremony of Asian Games 2018 was lively and smoothly. Indonesia has been longing for this opportunity for 56 years," Jokowi said via his Twitter account on Sunday.
The idea to made the video came from Creative Director of Opening Ceremony of the Asian Games 2018 Wishnutama Kusubandio. He said the video was a pure entertainment and not related to Jokowi's effort in seeking reelection in the 2019 presidential election.
However, it did show some hints about his nomination. In the video, his wedding ring was shown as if to tease his opponent, Prabowo Subianto who is a divorced man. He also pushed the number 2 of elevator button which could be related to his bid for second term.