Kamis 26 Apr 2018 19:32 WIB

Teenage girl in Sukabumi dies after drinking bootleg liquor

Two teenage girls were poisoned by bootleg liquor and fainted in Sukabumi.

Bootleg liquor. (Illustration)
Foto: Republika/Zahrotul Oktaviani
Bootleg liquor. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SUKABUMI -- A teenage girl who was allegedly the victim of bootleg liquor poisoning died while receiving treatment at Regional General Hospital (RSUD) of R Syamsudin SH of Sukabumi City, West Java. The victim, identified as W (18), was the resident of Cisaat Sub-district, Sukabumi District.

"Meanwhile her colleague, T (15), which is a resident of Cikole Sub-district, Sukabumi City, is still in the intensive care unit of the hospital," Sukabumi City Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police Susatyo Purnomo Condro said here, Thursday.

Condro received news that two teenage girls were poisoned by bootleg liquor and fainted from the RSUD of R Syamsudin SH of Sukabumi. After being kept under observation at the hospital, W finally died around 12:30 a.m. local time, while T who is unconscious is still critical, he stated.

Also read: Bootleg liquor kills 61 in West Java

The police have been investigating cases related to bootleg liquor. The liquor they consumed was allegedly mixed with harmful chemicals.

"Based on the information provided by the victims' families, the two teenagers were invited by a friend they met on social media for drinks. However, after returning home, the victims complained of stomach ache and fell unconscious," he explained.

Condro refused to confirm if the teenager died due to overdose or liquor poisoning.

sumber : Antara
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