REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has invited members of motor clubs to see the implementation of various cash labor intensive projects in rural regions. The Head of State and members of the Elders and Cleveland motor clubs as well as several actors and actresses conducted a touring event in Sukabumi.
He said he enjoyed riding a Royal Enfield Bullet 350cc motorcycle during the touring spanning some 30 km. "The road is very winding, and at the same time I want to introduce Pelabuhan Ratu," Jokowi said in Pesanggrahan Tenjo Resmi, Pelabuhan Ratu sub-district, Sukabumi district, West Java Province, on Sunday.
Naik Motor. Menteri PU dan Perumahan Rakyat Basuki Hadimuljono (kiri ) bersama Presiden RI Joko Widodo (kanan) mengendarai Sepeda motor jenis Chopper saat menjangkau lokasi tujuan dalam rangka kunjungan kerja ke Kabupaten Sukabumi. Jawa Barat, Ahad, (8/4).
He remarked that he was used to riding a motorcycle before becoming the Solo Mayor. The President started the touring from the office of Bantar Gadung sub-district head in Sukabumi District, toward Pasir Suren and Citarik villages located in Pelabuhanratu sub-district.
In Citarik village, he inspected the implementation of an irrigation renovation project, and construction of a retention basin, among other things.
Naik Motor. Presiden RI Joko Widodo mengendarai Sepeda motor jenis Chopper saat menjangkau lokasi tujuan dalam rangka kunjungan kerja ke Kabupaten Sukabumi. Jawa Barat, Ahad, (8/4).
The cash labor intensive projects are constructed by using the 2018 Citarik rural funds worth Fp771 million.
West Java Province has a total of 711 cash labor intensive projects using funds amounting to Rp159 billion allocated by the Public Works and Public Housing Ministry, according to Jokowi.