REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- National Movement to Safeguard the Indonesian Ulema (GNPF Ulama) leader cleric Bachtiar Nasir said every citizen has the right to file a petition to challenge a verdict against themselves. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama "Ahok" as convicted blasphemer also has the right to propose an appeal to his two-year sentence.
"It is his right to file judicial review. The process also has been Supreme Court (MK) and justice world's right," said cleric Bachtiar, one of Islamic figures who led a series of rallies to ensure law enforcement against the former Jakarta governor, on Monday (Feb 26).
On the other hand, people also have the right to voice their rejection to Ahok's effort to ease his sentence. The people may stage rally to refuse the judicial review on Ahok's blasphemy case he said.

A number of people stage a rally during hearing of judicial review proposed by convicted blasphemer, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama "Ahok" at North Jakarta District Court, on Monday (Feb 26).
"People also have the right to express what they think about the judicial review in constitutional and democratic manner," Bachtiar added.
Ahok thorugh his lawyer team has filed judicial review on February 2. It was his effort to challenge North Jakarta District Courts ruling on his blasphemy case.
Earlier, Ahoks lawyer, Josefina Agatha Syukur said Ahok wanted to ask for a review to lighten up the two years confinement verdict based on Buni Yani's verdict. The former Jakarta governor has been jailed at National Police's Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters (Mako Brimob) in Depok since May 2017. He was sentenced for his blasphemous statement regarding al Maidah 51 Quranic verse.

Basuki Tjahaja Purnama "Ahok" lawyer, Fifi Lety Indra explains judicial review process of his brother blasphemy's case to Supreme Court at North Jakarta District Court, Monday (Feb 26).
During a 10 minutes hearing on Monday, prosecutor Sapto Subroto said Basuki Tjahaja Purnama "Ahok" did not have a new novum to support his appeal. He explained the verdict of Buni Yani who spread the video of Ahok's blasphemous speech could not be used as new evidence. He said the two cases have different offenses.