Senin 19 Feb 2018 22:59 WIB

Islamic boarding school scores many leaders of nation: TGB

TGB himself was a student of Islamic boarding school.

Rep: Muhammad Nursyamsyi, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
West Nusa Tenggara governor TGB Muhammad Zainul Majdi visits Fadllul Wahid Islamic boarding school, Bandungsari, Grobogan, Central Java, Sunday (Feb 18) night.
Foto: pemprov ntb
West Nusa Tenggara governor TGB Muhammad Zainul Majdi visits Fadllul Wahid Islamic boarding school, Bandungsari, Grobogan, Central Java, Sunday (Feb 18) night.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GROBOGAN -- West Nusa Tenggara governor TGB Muhammad Zainul Majdi said Islamic boarding school (pesantren) has thaught him many things. Before going to Al Azhar University, Egypt to embrace a doctorate, TGB has spent his time to school at Islamic boarding school.

TGB is one of leader figures who come from Islamic boarding school. He becomes the first West Nusa Tenggara governor from santri (student of Islamic boarding school) element.

"I have many knowledges from Islamic boarding school, both in science and culture, everything," said TGB on Sunday (Feb 18).

According to him, Islamic boarding school's teachings made him able to contribute to religion and nation, including the provision for him to become the regional head. TGB invited santri in Indonesia to maintain optimism in facing competition ahead.

"If there were people who said why we should go to Islamic boarding school, Alhamdulillah (thank God) the school has made many leaders of nation," TGB added.

TGB said Islamic boarding schools become the right medium in fortifying the young generation's character from the negative things that are rampant among young people. For example, prevent them from drugs crime.

"Insya Allah (Gods will) Islamic boarding school is the place which not only for science nursery, but also the place for the cadre of nation leaders," TGB said.

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