REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian Food and Beverage Producers Association (Gapmmi) planned to change the term "expiry date" on the products' label into "best before". They suggested the label should be written as 'best before' in order to reduce food waste.
Gapmmi said, everyday there are 30 percent of food waste generated from the total sales of food and beverage products globally. The food waste issue has been the world's attention.
Gapmmi chairman, Adhi S Lukman said the term expiration date has mislead consumer's understanding and it impacted to the growing number of food waste. Therefore, by changing "expiry date" into "best before", consumer would understand that food or drink products still can be consumed, even though it has exceeded the date listed in the packaging.

Expiration date.
Adhi hoped the strategy could reduce the amount of food waste "Our expectation is the "best before date" has a good influence for the industry," said Ashi on Tuesday (Jan 30).
Currently, some food and beverage products in Indonesia already used "best before" label. However, to uniform the use of the label, Adhi said it still need to be discussed with Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), as the authority.

Expired food. (Illustration)
Furthermore, Adhi explained the food waste problem in Indonesia is more complex. Food has been wasted not only because it exceeded the expiration date.
The distress in the distribution and logistics processes also paid the role. The problem in food distribution and logistics also need to be arranged to be more efficient, he said.