Selasa 09 Jan 2018 04:30 WIB

Sanction imposed to Arya Wedakarna still applies: Dedi

Rep: Amri Amrullah, Idealisa Masyrafina/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Arya Wedakarna
Foto: Republika/Mutia Ramadhani
Arya Wedakarna

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Bali Regional Police has examined the former vice chairman of Regional Representatives Council (DPD) Honorary Board, Dedi Iskandar Batubara as a witness to the case of alleged hate speech to preacher Abdul Somad. Dedi explained, his examination was to explain whether the decision letter of temporary dismissal of DPD member from Bali, Arya Wedakarna in March 2017 ago really exist. 

The police needed a confirmation from Dedy regarding Arya's statement saying that his dismissal was false and the letter of dismissal was a hoax.

"It was true that in March 2017, based on the decision of plenary meeting of the Honorary Board, DPD has issued Decree number 3 of 2017 on the temporary dismissal of Arya Wedakarna, and the letter until now has not been revoked," said former vice chairman of DPD RI Honorary Board, Dedi to, on Monday (January 8).

Dedi who now serves as a member of DPD RI Honorary Board said that the investigators summoned him because he was the one who signed the letter.

Dedi said, although the leadership of Honorary Board has changed because DPD RI chairman, AM Fatwa, has passed away, but the letter still applies. "I have said that the decree is official, and I have answered all the investigators questions about the task of DPD RI Honorary Board and DPD RI and the related to sanctions that have been imposed to Arya Wedakarna," he explained.

Also read: Police process preacher Somad case by examining Ismar

The investigator also asked him about the appeal of Arya Wedakarna in social media that led to alleged hate speech and persecution to preacher Abdul Somad. They asked him whether it was in accordance with the duties and authorities of DPD RI members. 

"I was asked about that and I have answered according to my views and perspective," said Dedi.

Putu K Muliastawa has reported Arya Wedakarna on the alleged offense of hate speech. This matter as regulated in Article 28 paragraph (2) Jo 45a paragraph (2) Law (Act) no. 19 of 2016 Amendment to Law no. 11 of 2008 on ITE and or Article 16 of Law no. 40 of 2008 and Article 160 of the Criminal Code and or Article 156 and 156a of the Criminal Code. 

Advocacy Team Coordinator of preacher Abdul Somad, Zulfikar Ramly said the examination of witnesses from Members of DPD RI Honorary Board is very important. The statement will break the statement and denial of Arya Wedakarna which declared the Decree Number 3 years 2017 of BK DPD RI was a hoax. 

"In addition, according to him, the information of DPD RI Honorary Board will close the gap of the reported party behind the immunity as a senator of DPD RI," said Zulfikar. 



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