Rabu 13 Sep 2017 15:18 WIB

Police arrest Asma Dewi as customer of Saracen group

Rep: Puti Almas / Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Senior Commissioner Martinus Sitompul, head of public relations for the Indonesian National Police
Foto: Antara/Reno Esnir
Senior Commissioner Martinus Sitompul, head of public relations for the Indonesian National Police

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Senior Commissioner Martinus Sitompul, head of public relations for the Indonesian National Police, said the police has arrested a housewife, Asma Dewi, as alleged suspect customer of Saracen group. 

She was arrested in her brother house at Ampera Raya Street, South Jakarta, on Monday (September 11). "She is currently held in prison at Jakarta police headquarter," Martinus said via short message to Republika.co.id, on Tuesday (September 12).

According to Martinus, police also still investigating fund of IDR 75 million alleged transferred by Dewi to Saracen group. The police said they found transaction for IDR 75 million between Dewi and one of Saracen member. 

Also read:  Saracen group from PPATK" href="http://en.republika.co.id/berita/en/national-politics/17/09/04/ovr9r1-police-await-findings-on-saracen-group-from-ppatk" target="_blank">Police await findings on Saracen group from PPATK

"We have found there were proposal and transfer of money. We will find out whether there was communication or meeting between Dewi and Saracen group," he said.

The Saracen group was established in November 2015. They made several Facebook accounts, namely Saracen News, Saracen Cyber Team and Saracennewscom. The group is accused to spread hate speech of ethnicity, religion, race, and and inter-group relations has 800 thousand followers. 

The Cyber Crime Unit of National Police have four other suspects, namely MFT, SRN, JAS, and MAH.

sumber : Antara
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