Rabu 06 Sep 2017 03:37 WIB

Not easy to grant citizenship for Rohingya refugees: Tjahjo

Rep: Dian Erika Nugraheny, Marniati/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Some 40 Rohingya refugees in Indonesia staged a solidarity rally in front of UNHCR Office, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta on August 28) to protest humanitarian crisis in their homeland.
Foto: Republika/Ali Yusuf
Some 40 Rohingya refugees in Indonesia staged a solidarity rally in front of UNHCR Office, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta on August 28) to protest humanitarian crisis in their homeland.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo said it was not easy to grant citizenship status for Rohingnya refugees. Although a number of regional governments have shown solidarity to the refugees, Tjahjo reiterated granting citizenship needed a long process.

"Giving citizenship surely would need a long process," said Tjahjo to reporters at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (September 5).

Tjahjo said the government will trace the existence of all Rohingyas refugees in Indonesia. He noticed, the refugees were spread in several areas, such as South Sulawesi, Aceh, Medan and etc.

He saw commitment from the local governments in paying attention to the Rohingya refugees. "Not only the Rohingya refugees, but also all who are stranded," he said. 

Also read: Unclear citizenship status has been decades-long problem for Rohingya

Nevertheless, Tjahjo said help might not reached to the entire refugees. Beside that, humanitarian aid could not be given forever. 

Earlier, Head of Center for Health Crisis Ministry of Health  Achmad Yurianto said the number of Rohingya refugees in the country currently reported about 40 people. The refugees are now in the Medan immigration quarantine and some are in Aceh. 

The refugees were stranded in Indonesia in 2015 since they were expelled to the sea by Malaysia and Thailand authorities. "They are now in very good condition and just waiting for completion of documents to move to countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and others," said Achmad when contacted Republika.co.id, Monday (September 49).

He added that the government accepts refugees for transit in the country for humanitarian reasons.

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