Senin 14 Aug 2017 21:42 WIB

Novel's wife wishes to meet with Jokowi: Dahnil

Rep: Amri Amrullah, Fira Nursya'bani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
The wife of Novel Baswedan, Rina Emilda attended the commemoration of 100 days the attack to KPK senior investigator, at the anti-graft body office, Jakarta, on July 20, 2017.
Foto: Republika/Umar Mukhtar
The wife of Novel Baswedan, Rina Emilda attended the commemoration of 100 days the attack to KPK senior investigator, at the anti-graft body office, Jakarta, on July 20, 2017.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of Muhammadiyah Youth Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak said Rina Emilda expressed her wish to meet with President Joko Widodo to solve the case of sulfuric acid attack against her husband, Novel Baswedan.

"I have submitted the request of Mrs Emil to meet the President through the Minister of State Secretary, Mr Pratikno. We hope the President is willing to accept Mrs Emil," Dahnil said in a press statement on Monday.

Dahnil explained the purpose of the meeting is to listen to some views and informations directly from the wife of the senior investigator of KPK. And at the same time, the President can understand the real condition of Novel's family members.

Also read: Jokowi orders immediate settlement of Novel case

He also hoped the President could understand how Novel's family struggled to fight corruption for the sake of the country. So that it would be enough for the President to make the completion of this important case.

Right after the attack, Novel Baswedan had told the public that his case was easy to complete. He had given various preliminary intelligence information and conveyed various information related to his attack to the police.

Although information from Novel was not formally stated in the form of police investigation report (BAP), it could be sufficient to help police to arrest the attackers. 

Unfortunately, various irregularities in process of investigation emerged. Thus, some party showed that this case was hampered because Novel is not willing to complete the BAP.

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