Rabu 31 May 2017 16:10 WIB

Digital forensic expert criticizes Habib Rizieq case

Rep: Rizma RIyandi/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Habib Rizieq Shihab
Foto: Republika/ Raisan Al Farisi
Habib Rizieq Shihab

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SLEMAN -- Head of Center for Digital Forensic Studies (PUSFID) Indonesia Islamic University (UII) Yudi Prayudi said other segments in the case of alleged steamy chat betweed Habib Rizieq and Firza Husein have not been revealed. Among other was whom uploaded and created the content. 

Although the police have named Habib Rizieq and Firza as suspects, Yudi said the question on how the chat and photos were earned is still unanswered. "How did they get the chat and photos so it could be made as video and uploaded it into the website?" he asked.

Furthermore, Yudi asked what happened to Habib Rizieq's and Firza's mobile phone between August and December. "Were there any other Whatsapp chat history between them?" he said on Wednesday.

Yudi reiterated those questions are unrevealed segment in the case of alleged steamy chat. In fact, it is one of the most important segment in resolving the case. "Therefore, the investigator or prosecutor in the trial should be able to clarify it," he remarked.

Also read: Police must arrest alleged steamy chat spreader: Lawyer

On the other hand, Yudi said the determination of Habib Rizieq and Firza as suspect has signaled the authenticity of the alleged porn chat. The police have not give further detail on evidences.

"The determination of the two suspects should use evidence in the form of information or electronic documents and electronic systems of both," said Yudi.

As it has been part of law process, he said there should be no more debate on the authenticity of the alleged porn chat. "We need to move on to prove investigator's claim on the authenticity of the alleged chat by using appropriate scientific techniques. The role of digital forensic will be seen in proving it," he said.

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