Kamis 28 Jul 2016 16:14 WIB

Indonesia asked to encourage cessation of atrocities at Kashmir

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: ap

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Secretary General of the united of Indonesian Ulema Ahraf Mohammad Ali has urged the Indonesian government, freedom lovers and the international community to support the right of Muslims of Kashmir to self-determination. Kashmiri Muslims suffered due to atrocities during 70 years.

"The people of Indonesia that included Muslims should encourage cessation of atrocities that make people of Kashmir suffer," he said in a seminar to commemorate the "Kashmir Black Day" Kashmir Solidarity Forum held at the Embassy of Pakistan, Jakarta, Wednesday (27/7).

Ashraf said support for Kashmir should not just through thoughts and polite words but also action among others rally in support of Kashmir Muslims. According to him, human tragedy now happening in Kashmir due to the atrocities of Indian troops that can't be tolerated.

"I'm going to yell this issue and press in order to cruel actions done by Indian troops on Kashmir Muslims can be stopped," he said.

Pakistan's Ambassador to Indonesia Mohammad Aqil Nadeem said recently, turmoil in Kashmir had happened after the murder of Kashmiri leader, Burhan Wani.

"The activists were tortured brutally to their death, more than 50 people were killed and 500 injured in next incidents," Nadeem said.

According to him, not many people who speak out against human rights violations in Kashmir. Ambassador of Pakistan expects the international community's support for the self-determination of the people of Kashmir just as the resolutions issued by the United Nations (UN).

"We the people of Pakistan will continue to support the struggle of the Kashmiri people both morally and diplomatically," Nadeem said.

Chairman of the Kashmir Solidarity Forum Zahir Khan explained terrorism in Kashmir has been happened since the massacre on July 27, 1947 when the Indian government was deployed troops to crush the people of Kashmir. The event known as the 'Kashmir Black Day'.

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