Kamis 21 Jul 2016 21:11 WIB

Doctors association apologizes for fake vaccines case

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) apologized for the emergence of fake vaccines issue that had been troubling all of Indonesian people.

IDI Chairman Ilham Oetama Marsis said the emergence of fake vaccines is a disaster. In terms of ethics and medical disciplines, it made his association to do introspection.

"Although I don't involve in this case, we are sorry for this incident," he said at the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Thursday (21/7).

Ilham admitted the incident can not be simply solved with an apology.

Moreover, some hospitals allegedly involved receive fake vaccines.

"We will do problem solving, particularly ethical violations, criminal and disciplinary on doctors who later become suspects," he explained.

Nevertheless he hoped the fake vaccines should not be generalized as a doctor's mistake.

"We certainly apologize to the people and agreed to prevent problems that affect the communities," he said.

Known, national police's criminal investigation division has revealed there are 14 hospitals that use of the fake vaccine. In addition there are also three doctors with the initials names H, AR, and I, meanwhile two midwife with initial M and N.

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