Jumat 24 Jun 2016 19:32 WIB

Korean and Indonesian companies invest in marine sector

Foto: abc

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PADANG -- A Korean shipbuilder company, Coring Ocean Development, and an Indonesian company, Andalas Bahari Lestari, have agreed to cooperate and invest in the marine sector to provide fishing boats to fishermen in Padang, the capital city of West Sumatra Province.

"We have recently signed a memorandum of understanding, valid for a year, to cooperate to provide fishing boats in West Sumatra," President Director of PT Andalas Bahari Lestari, Syahril Amir, stated here on Friday.

As the first step, Amir informed, PT Andalas would introduce two models of Korean ships to the fishermen in West Sumatra.

"These ships will be made of fiber and the technology, machinery, and raw materials will come from Korea. The vessels, however, will be assembled in Padang city," he disclosed.

He pointed out that the fishing boats would soon be procured and the two Korean ships may arrive in Padang city after Lebaran (Eid).

"We will do the paperwork for entry permits, and they (the Koreans) will procure the raw materials in two months," he noted.

He further mentioned that 10-20 fishing boats will be produced per month.

A Korean businessman, Kim Dong Wuk, affirmed that he would help provide training to the fishermen to operate the ships.

"We will also bring in several Korean technicians to help Padang's fishermen learn how to operate ships with Korean technology," he stated.

Head of West Sumatra Province's Marine Affair and Fisheries Office, Yosmeri, explained that the cooperation was in line with the central government's direction to convert all the timber ships to fiber vessels.

"Also, the local government will be too happy to help provide all necessary information and assistance for the purpose," he stressed.

Furthermore, Yosmari stated that the local government has facilitated the business agreement between these private parties, though it did not play any part in financing the fishing boats' procurement.

"The cooperation will help greatly in the development of West Sumatra Province's maritime sector," he hoped.

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