Senin 20 Jun 2016 22:56 WIB

President proposed as Mr maritime Indonesia

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
President Jokowi
Foto: Republika/Yasin Habibi
President Jokowi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is proposed to be Mr. Maritime Indonesia due to his great attention on the maritime sector in Indonesia.

"We are planning to give the award to the President as Mr. Maritime Indonesia," Director of Indonesian Maritime Polytechnic (Polimarin) Sri Tutie Rahayu said at the presidential office, Jakarta, on Monday (20/6).

She said, her institution has planned to give the award in conjunction with the celebration of World Maritime Day. World Maritime Day is celebrated every 29 September, which this year will be held by the United Nations in Turkey.

"In Indonesia, we hope the maritime day will focused in Polimarin Semarang, Central Java, especially supported by Research and Technology and Higher Education Ministry and the Navy," she said.

Her institution got special task from President Jokowi to escort Nawacita. Especially Nawacita number one is the maritime axis which strengthens the identity of a maritime nation and Nawacita number 5 which can improve the quality of education in the maritime sector while increasing the productivity of the human resources that have the competence necessary. Sri acknowledged the seriousness of President Jokowi on the maritime sector.

"We are ready to support maritime axis and Nawacita which spoken by President Jokowi," he said.

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