Ahad 12 Jun 2016 20:24 WIB

Owners of restaurants and food stalls must obey rules during Ramadan

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SERANG -- Chairman of Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Banten AM Romli said, officers of satpol PP (Public Order Agency) should act humane manner and persuasive on warning for dining restaurant, food stalls, and restaurant when selling during fasting month in Ramadan.

His statement in response to reports of food stalls raid in the Serang City, Banten, on Saturday (11/6).

"Regulation in Serang city made based on the proposals from the communities and Islamic organizations in Serang city," he said in Serang, Sunday (12/6).

On the other hand, he asked the restaurant's owners must also comply with rules that have been created and respect of Muslims who are fasting.

"There are clear rules about the restaurants and food stalls can be opened during Ramadan," he said.

MUI also asked the satpol PP in enforcing the rules do not discriminative. MUI requested enforcement was not applied only on small traders like warteg (low-cost food stalls) , but also on restaurants that open in malls.

"For owners of the restaurants and food stalls, uphold the tradition of respect each other," he said.

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