Selasa 03 May 2016 17:35 WIB

Official: 15 percent of suicide in Taipei related to stress at work


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TAIPEI -- 15 percent Of the 4,341 suicides and suicide attempts reported to a crisis center in Taipei in 2015, 15 percent of them were said to be related to stress at work, according to statistics from the city government's Suicide Prevention Center.

Psychological consultant Chiu Yung-lin suggested that people examine their mental stress through physical conditions.

If a person experiences symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, bad skin, recurring oral ulcers, chest pain or tightness, a fast heart rate, back and neck pain, or hyperacidity and stomach pain, they could be the result of a malfunctioning immune system due to pressure.

The more the symptoms appear, the more the body is loaded with stress, Chiu said.

He suggested repeatedly clenching one's fists or shrugging one's shoulders and then letting down one's arms naturally as a quick and easy way to relax.

If more help is needed, people can arrange consultations at the city's mental health center and exercise, paint or write as outlets to relieve pressure, Chiu said.

The health department and the Suicide Prevention Center will jointly hold a conference on psychological health at the workplace and suicide prevention at the Youth Development Office on June 1.

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