Rabu 02 Mar 2016 16:58 WIB

Investments worth Rp264.7 trillion realized through 200 projects

Foto: Republika/ Tahta Aidilla

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Some 200 projects monitored by the Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) in 2015 realized an investment of Rp264.7 trillion in 2015, or some 51.4 percent of the total planned investment worth Rp512.6 trillion.

"The 200 projects monitored in 2015 made significant progress. Of the total investment of Rp512.6 trillion, some 51.4 percent were realized," BKPM Chief Franky Sibarani stated at a press conference here on Wednesday.

He noted that of the 200 projects, the construction phase had been completed for 59 percent of them, and they were ready to start production.

The projects, which were completed, included those belonging to the food, chemical pharmacy, rubber, metals, machineries, textile, and paper sectors.

"The 59 projects whose construction phase has been completed are worth Rp108 trillion and have provided employment to 14,679 workers," the BKPM head revealed.

The remaining 141 projects, with investments worth Rp157 trillion, are still in the construction phase. These projects belong to sectors such as food, metal, machinery, electricity, transportation, textile, chemical pharmacy, and hotel and restaurant.

"We will continue to monitor the projects, which are still in the construction phase. It is forecast that they will absorb 65,012 workers," Franky noted.

He remarked that of the 59 already completed projects, 33 were located outside Java while the remaining 26 projects were in Java.

The projects outside Java include nine in North Sumatra; five each in Bali and South Sumatra; three in Riau; two each in East Kalimantan, Riau Islands, and West Nusa Tenggara; and one each in South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, Lampung, Central Sulawesi, and West Papau.

The 141 projects still in the construction phase comprise 70 projects outside Java and 71 in Java.

sumber : Antara
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