Jumat 26 Feb 2016 21:35 WIB

Psychological warfare by the WLMWP


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Lieutenant General (Ret) Soedibyo *)

The security situation of Papua is totally under control by The Indonesian Security Forces consisting of TNI and The Police. In Papua the armed unit of the National Liberation Army (NLA) of the Freedom Movement of Papua (FMP) is gradually diminishing eliminated by The Government Security Forces or surrendering to the Government.  Various elements of the armed separatists had been starting to leave their group and voluntarily surrender to the Government’s Security Forces in Papua. Recently ten  members of the armed unit of The Freedom Movement of Papua are surrendering to the Government, realizing the progress of life of Papuan under the Special Government Development Program of Papua implemented by the local Government now.

However political issue concerning the freedom of Papua has never ended. The issue of The Great Melanesian States, the Human Right Violation against the Melanesian People in Papua and other political activities for the freedom of Papua are always voiced and provoked by the group named The United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) from London as the site of the Speaker  of the group of the ULMWP. The main figure of this group is  Beny Wenda who described himself as the Speaker of ULMWP.

On February 15, 2016 a small incidence initiated by ULMWP to take place in Wamena, insulting the local administration of Wamena which had been cheated by an element of ULMWP in Papua.  

No ULMWP office in Papua

This assessment is intended to describe the active psychological warfare by the Papuan Separatist against the Government of Indonesia. The objective of this psychological warfare is to stress the Government of Indonesia internationally as if Indonesia is a country that violates the human right and to ignore the right of the West Papuan people to self determination process of their status. West-Papua was the colonized area of the Nederland-Indie and as a part of the Nederland Indie this area had been recognized as a part of The Republic of Indonesia. Also through the self determination process conducted by The UN the people of West-Papua in 1969 had decided to become a part of the Freedom area a part of The Republic of Indonesia.

In South West of Pacific Ocean there are five countries  which were the former areas of colonized islands control by  a number of Western Countries, namely The Papua New Guinea (PNG) , Salomon, Fiji, Vanuatu and the New Caledonia. Most of the native ethnic livings in those areas are the Melanesian. Melanesian are also the main ethnic who are living in West-Papua.  

Just for the sake of political solidarity and unilaterally grouping those five countries, namely Papua New Guinea (PNG), Fiji, Salomon and Vanuatu except the New Caledonia create a solidarity forum named The Melanesian Spearhead Group  (MSG). And just for the political solidarity symbol MSG claims to support the Freedom Movement of Papua (FMP) and accepted FMP as the observer of MSG. The political support of MSG is the main political weapon used by the ULMWP internationally to voicing the activities of the ULMWP.

That is why though this FMP has been diminishing and illegal but the element of FMP roaming around in some countries are always manipulating the MSG as if the political powers in South West Pacific are supporting the FMP.

Meanwhile  Beny Wenda  who was political prisoner in Jayapura in around the year of 2002 had potential international politician playing the psychological warfare to campaign the existence of FMP through the political slogan named the United Liberation Movement of West Papua (ULMWP). He created ULMWP as the political organization means to enter the international political forum in the world. To strengthen the political image as if strongly the States of Melanesian to support FMP he had been installed a big board describing the logo of ULMWP in Salomon and Vanuatu.

Recently the elements in Papua were trying to install a big board as if there was the Main Office of ULMWP in Wamena. Disguising to install the big board of the Office of The Cultural Council of Papua in Wamena, secretly and apparently a number of persons prepared also the big board with the logo of ULMWP. To avoid the possibility of clash and chaos with unexpected victims, the security unit let all those action finished their manipulation. The peaceful situation has created misunderstanding on event which just take place, as  if on that that day the office of ULMWP has been installed peacefully in Wamena. Apparently around 400 prominent figures of Wamena who were invited to attend the opening of the Office of the Cultural Council of Papua have been cheated.

The installment of the board for the logo of ULMWP was a manipulation because the applied permit submitted by the Committee to the local administration was to install a board of The Logo of the Office of the Culture Council of Papua. But around four hundred people who came as the invitation guest plus hundreds of people who had come individually had been apparently cheated.

To avoid chaos and radical actions between the Security Units and the supporters of the FMP, the security unit let the installment of the logo of ULMWP to go on but urgently it was demolished and cracked down  soon after the audience dismissed  for going home. Now the responsible persons of this incidence were under custody by the Police of Wamena and of course legal processed should be granted to them.

Beny  Wenda was speaking from London that it is the right of ULMWP to install the logo of the ULMWP in Melanesian territories, especially because all Melanesian countries through the MSG are supporting ULMWP. He dis-satisfactorily said the installment of the logo of ULMWP is the agenda of the ULMWP to install the logo of ULMWP in all Melanesian countries. MSG is supported the FMP.

However representing the Indonesian  Government of Indonesia, the Coordinator Ministers for the Political,  Law,  Human Right ant Security Affairs, General Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said strongly: “Go to hell with the ULMWP, get out from Indonesia, Indonesia does not care the ULMWP to install its logo in the  Melanesian States.” “There is no ULMWP office in Papua”.


Wamena incidence was just small incidence wisely handled by the Indonesian security unit in Wamena to avoid radicalism and chaos. Everybody knows that the idea to install the board containing the logo of ULFMWP was not the original idea, but the manipulation of ULMWP. There was no any chaos or radical activities in coping with the incidence, The Security apparatus included the intelligent element have prevented for quick act to avoid unexpected victims has let until the event was over and all the audience going home. The responsible individuals of the event were easily caught and put under custody. Legal process because of cheating will be granted to them. On the field nothing found because the billboard showing the logo of ULMWP has been demolished and cracked down.


*) national news observer, former head of State Intelligent Coordination Board - BAKIN

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