Rabu 24 Feb 2016 21:47 WIB

Ten East Asian countries participate in hydrographic meeting in C Java

Sepur Kluthuk Jaladara melintas di tengah kota Solo
Sepur Kluthuk Jaladara melintas di tengah kota Solo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SOLO -- Delegates from 10 East Asian member countries of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) are participating in the East Asia Hydrographic Commission (EAHC) meeting in Solo, Central Java province.

The EAHC Steering Committee was opened by the Indonesian Naval Operations Assistant, Rear Admiral Ari Soedewo, here on Wednesday.

The ten countries are, apart from host Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, China, South Korea, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Thailand and Japan.

According to Ari Soedewo, the EAHC aims at coordinating the activities of national hydrographic of East Asian countries without being in conflict with their national policy, and facilitating the exchange of science, technology, and research development in the field of hydrography.

The EAHC also aims at building a harmonious relationship to carry out technical development in the area of hydrography.

He said the meeting will discuss three main issues, namely "Training, Research and Development Centre (TRDC) Progress," "Malaca and Singapore Straits Electronic Navigation Chart (MSS ENG)," and the issue of EAHC Steering Committee.

According to him, the meeting in Solo aims at increasing the contribution of each EAHC member country in achieving organizational objectives, and enhancing cooperation in knowledge and technology transfer in the form of training, as well as establishing strategic cooperation in the field of hydrography.

Indonesian waters are relatively safe from the view point of security, yet there is need to enhance awareness about the dangers of sea navigation.

"East Asia IHO stands for building safety in shipping together," he said.

Indonesia, as the world maritime axis country, should support the use of sea for the welfare of the world community, Ari Soedewo remarked.

"There is need to improve the comfort in sailing aspect, in keeping with international regulations, such as mapping of the sea bed rocks, he said.

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