Selasa 02 Feb 2016 18:09 WIB

US to finance Indonesia’s peat land restoration program

Rep: Aldian Wahyu Ramadhan/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Saptono

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia gets peat land restoration financing from US government.

There are two new programs for strengthening peat land restoration, US Ambassador to Indonesia Robert Blake said. The programs will strengthen peat land restoration agency (BRG).

''That two programs financed by Millennium Challenge Corporation and Indonesia,'' Robert said on Tuesday (2/2).

The program is Berbak Green Prosperity Project, he added.

The 17 millions dollar programs will help peat forest restoration in Jambi province. The restoration will reduce peat land burning in that area.

He explained Berbak project will provide training center to increase local agricultural production. It will help small palm farmer and renewable energy system that turns waste into clean energy.

The second program is 13 million dollars agreement with three palms Company in Riau Province for biogas power plant. That biogas plant will electrify 9.000 houses in the village also capture 117 thousand tons of carbon dioxide per year, and to increase productivity and 2.000 small farmer management.

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